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The Berlin Campaign Forum was made for professional campaigners and influencers from Central Europe’s leading charities, NGOs and not-profit organisations to explore new trends and developments in campaigning, fundraising, volunteer coordination and leadership and beyond.

The two-day-event is about sharing and exchanging knowledge in an Open Space (a.k.a. Un-Conference) format where participants set most of the agenda and self-select which topics to engage with in self-directed small-group discussions .

The event continues the event formerly known as E-Campaigning Forum Europe in Berlin. The organisers FairSay and wegewerk have been co-hosting and sponsoring the event for 5 consecutive years until it was stopped due to Covid-19. In 2023 we started together with experienced and engaged campaigners from all over continental Europe as the Berlin Campaign Forum.

The event takes place at UfaFabrik, a self-governing cultural centre in a former film studio.

What makes it different?

Made for professionals:

At BCF, all participants are experienced (they must apply and be accepted) in at least one of the areas of campaigning, fundraising, leadership or digital. They are actively looking to share with – and learn from – their peers, build relationships and get insights to make informed decisions.

This makes BCF different from most conferences. Gathering experienced people from the not-for-profit sector together is a unique opportunity for each person to learn from peers. The un-conference format focuses on connecting participants with a shared interest on topics. This helps them learn and build relationships they can use to continue improving.

The Community

The Berlin Campaign Forum is based on a community of experienced and engaged people who want to learn and share knowledge with each other. Online campaigning is an exceptionally fast-moving field. By coming together to share resources, we can all keep our skills and knowledge at the cutting edge.

The popular ECF email discussion list, supported mainly by former participants, is one of the most vibrant and knowledgeable communities available. Members love it because they can ask for advice and they almost always get what they need.