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The Agenda

Tue Oct 22

Pre-Event Programme


Open Space Leadership Briefing

This informal pre-dinner session offers you the chance to get the ball rolling and start to gather ideas and proposals for Open Space sessions. Join us to:
  • share ideas and tips on successful Open Space groups
  • review the potential agenda topics and themes that emerge from the participant questionnaires
  • help start to shape the Campaigning Forum agenda, working in groups to start developing session proposals.
Open to all, though a working knowledge of Open Space methodology will be assumed.
19:30-20:30+ Dinner: Kick-start connections and conversations with Campaign Forum participants.
21:00+ Connect to kick-start conversations.

Wed Oct 23

Berlin Campaign Forum 2024 – Day One

TIME Day One Sessions
09:30 Registration, coffee/tea, informal discussions
10:00 Welcome, introduction and agenda review
10:30 Putting Citizens at the core of campaigning: Interview with Jon Alexander, author of Citizens: Why the key to fixing everything is all of us

Getting to know each other: who are these amazing people in the room with us?

11:30 Coffee/tea break

Plenary Speaker: Arun Chaudhary

    Humour and creativity: How can we use it in campaigning?
13:00 Lunch

Introduction to Open Space & agenda setting


Open Space knowledge exchange A

    Scheduled based on participant input each morning and set at the event by participants:
15:45 Coffee/tea break

Open Space knowledge exchange B

    Scheduled based on participant input each morning.

Ignite talks (7 min each)

  • Leveraging creativity for climate action: How creative professionals can use storytelling and design to inspire climate action and shift public narratives (Hanna Henshall, If Not Now)
  • What is the protein transition, Why do we need it and How to accelerate it? (Florian Wall, madre brava)
  • Christmas Markets stalls for Sustainable Development Goals (Aurora Souza Basso)
  • Campaigning in South Africa (Chris Kif)
  • US Election 2024: OMG! (Robin Paoli)

Examples from 2023 event include:

  1. The Peat-za box: ‘It’s pizza, but not as we know it’ which is an engagement tool to get people interested in peatlands! (Sara Booth-Card, Wildlife Trusts)
  2. The Rooftop News: a news site which aims to platform positive news stories, to amplify maligned voices and offer an alternative to the constantly negative mainstream news cycle (Lizzie Lewis, Campaign Collective)
  3. How to get rid of your website’s consent banner (Juri Maier, wegewerk)

Arrange to give an Ignite talk on the application form or by agreement after applying. See what it takes to deliver an ignite-style talk


Speed pitching & social

Participants tell you what they offer, answer your questions and/or take your feedback. 5 minutes per table then rotate. Free drinks (wine, beer, soft drinks)
  1. Wegewerk (Juri Maier)
  2. (Duane Raymond)
  3. Anyone else?
19:00-20:00+ Dinner
21:00+ Social

Thu Oct 24

Campaign Forum 2023 – Day Two

TIME Day Two Sessions
08:30 Arrival, coffee/tea, informal discussions
09:00 Day two agenda review, pulse check and agenda setting

Peer Workshops & presentation

Scheduled based on participant input each morning.

  • How to work effectively in a high disinformation environment? (Anonymous)
  • Pump up your fluvium (Frank Lindner, Foodwatch)

Open Space knowledge exchange D

    Scheduled based on participant input each morning.
11:30 Coffee/tea break

Plenary: Nika Kovač (My Voice, My Choice)

    Topic: Building international networks and how to use kindness as a strategy
13:00 Lunch

Open Space knowledge exchange E

    Scheduled based on participant input each morning.
15:00 Coffee/tea break

Teach-in: share skills or knowledge with others

  • How to prepare for media interviews (Frank Lindner, Foodwatch)

Examples from 2023 event include:

  1. Social storytelling method workshop (Jean O’Brien, Digital Charity Labs)
  2. Adventures with AI: Using ChatGPT and other AI tools in your day (Duane Raymond, FairSay).

Ignite Talks (7 min each)

  • New tactics for influencing: How postcards are being used (Duane Raymond, PostBug)

Examples from 2023 event include:

  1. The case for reuse (Keira Roth, The Developer Society)

Arrange to give an Ignite talk on the application form or by agreement after applying.  See what it takes to deliver an ignite-style talk.

17:30 Event formally ends
19:00+ Ad-hoc dinner and drinks in near venue – self-organised for those staying around